Corporate Social Investment.
In addition to organizing and promoting the welfare and economic interests of our members, Ruiru Fund also recognizes the community within our area of operations through corporate social investments (CSI) which entails giving back to the community; the Fund invests some of its resources to non- profitable but meaningful projects geared to improving, transforming and advancing the livelihood of our society.
In the financial year 2023, Ruiru Fund initiated a scholarship program to Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute (KIRDI). The program’s main objective is to support small-scale businesspersons through training in their area of specialization to enhance their skills and prepare them to be competitive. The scholarship is indiscriminative as it benefits any member of the society who have attained the set qualifications.
This year 2024, Ruiru Fund has successfully enrolled four candidates in KIRDI to pursue their different desired short courses and equip themselves well for the market.